4 Things Doctors & Physicians Look for in Their Ideal Job

We look for many things when searching for a new job, and physicians are no exception. We have compiled a list of what physicians value in their preferred position.

The data we used to make these recommendations were collected from a sample of physicians serving in ambulatory care in the United States. The sample was studied from a group with a wide variety in speciality, practice setting, racial and ethnic background, age, and gender. 

The following factors are deemed essential for achieving a good working environment:

Positive Relationships With Staff And Work Colleagues

The medical profession is demanding of both doctors and staff. Success in a healthcare profession requires clear communication between all parties involved in delivering quality patient care, beginning at a personal level. Whether you would be serving as a physician or associate, each staff member in healthcare should make an effort to get to know their team and communicate effectively.  

A good working relationship between physicians and support staff improves communication, which in turn elevates patient care. Patients tend to notice these things since doctors spend so much time interacting with support staff during a patient office visit; the patient can choose to be a part of the conversation and feel like their voice matters too, which is a win-win for everyone. 

Undeniably, one of the easiest but most effective ways to improve a patient’s recovery journey is to create a pleasant environment where the doctors and support staff are friendly and communicate and interact well together. In addition, it is said that the best way to take care of your business is to take care of your employees’ needs first, which also applies to the healthcare industry. 

Added Flexibility On Vacation And PTO

In the medical profession, all workers require time off from their place of employment, especially when sick. But there are plenty of reasons physicians need more control over their PTO, such as personal reasons, time for family vacations, or relaxation. As a result, some medical practices offer a relatively informal approach towards employee time off, while others have included their working policies in employment contracts.

When hunting for a new job as an MD, remember to ask about employment rules and consider their suitability. Doctors have high-stress jobs due to being in charge of other people’s lives, so it is essential that you find out if this position’s rules are acceptable to you before applying. 

Employment terms may also vary depending on the type of employer. For instance, Los Angeles County has one of the most robust public-sector benefits nationwide, consisting of very flexible working hours, vacation periods of 80 hours, sick leave pay, and 12 paid holidays per year.

The Right Support and Assistance

A caregiver who is tired or overworked, either physically, emotionally, or mentally, cannot possibly be expected to maintain the best professional attitude all the time. Burnout happens when the physician lacks necessary support or assistance, which overwhelms the mind, body, and emotional capacity and leads to a state of fatigue and hopelessness.

There are some factors to look out for to know if that new position is ideal for you. One of which is, when comparing different job offers, to evaluate the respective practice environments and how they fit into your requirements.

In a typical health care center or hospital, job quality is determined by factors such as doctor manageability and leadership extended to physicians and nurses. It also includes adequate staffing with other resources like equipment, which can help provide better patient care and keep resources available for all those who need it within their facility.

Independent Decision Making and Autonomy

Autonomy, or the right to self-determination for decision-making, is a cardinal and ethical principle in medicine and often plays a significant role in determining who a high-level physician would work for. It is an acknowledged requirement that physicians openly disclose to patients that they (the patients) can make autonomous decisions. Much as the goal is to respect the autonomous choices of patients, the doctor’s ability to make independent decisions must be supported as well.

In line with the principles of beneficence and non-maleficence (“do no harm”), it is the professional duty of doctors and surgeons to provide patients with the most pertinent information possible, provided it is valid and causes no harm. Unfortunately, in most cases, it is difficult to accurately determine what is helpful and not harmful unless the values and goals of the patient conflict with the reality of a diagnosis.

More and more, physicians end up working in institutions operated by non-physicians, who often lack the complete scope of the required types of patient care services needed to do the job effectively. Also, the nature of what private and public health insurance will cover can restrict the treatment methods a physician wishes to use to treat patients. These are some of the factors influencing a physician’s autonomy for patient care.

As this trend continues, we expect to see professional values clash between practicing physicians and their non-doctor employers. More professionals in the medical field may find employment with an organized company set up like hospitals or clinic systems instead of solo practice, which has been popular until recently. 

For more information or to inquire about top physician jobs in Los Angeles County, please get in touch with us.