If you participate in the County’s Choices benefit plan you will purchase a number of benefits using a tax-free County benefit allowance that is based on who is covered (you only, you and one dependent, or you and two or more dependents). Currently, the allowance ranges from $971.68 to $2,094.21.
Up to $244 that is not spent to purchase benefits from your Choices allowance can be taken as cash and considered taxable income. This amount is adjusted based upon the Memorandum of Understanding between the County and the Coalition of County Unions.
The Choices benefit plan includes medical insurance for you and your eligible dependents, dental insurance for you and your eligible dependents, life, accidental death & dismemberment (AD&D), long-term disability (LTD) insurance, and flexible spending accounts.
You will choose from a number of medical plans that range from health maintenance organizations to point of service coverage to preferred provider plans. *As a member of UAPD you may also choose the CAPE Blue Shield plan, the most economical and comprehensive health insurance plan available to LA County employees. Based on the level of coverage, and the number of eligible dependents, monthly premiums range from $726.61 per month to $3,370.35 per month. [Plan premiums that exceed the allowance will be paid by the employee.] Vision coverage is included in the County’s medical plans. Dental plan premiums range from $10.73 per month to $45.76 per month, again based on the type of dental insurance coverage and number of your eligible dependents.
Long term disability health insurance continues employee health insurance coverage while receiving long term disability benefit payments. As a retirement plan participant, you are covered under the “core” long term disability health insurance provisions at no cost to you. The “core” long term disability health insurance fund pays 75% of your monthly medical plan premium; you pay the other 25%.